New kit! Paper Quilled Jewellery Set

Paper quilled jewellery

Behind the scenes!

9th September 2020

Aaand it's ready!  The lastest craft from Craft Box Club!  I know I always say it, but I’m really proud of this one.  The kits just keep getting better and better.  In this one you get everything you need to make two earrings and a pendant from beautiful, little coloured coils of paper.  Magic!  There’s also loads of extra paper in the kit too so you can go ahead and change the colours.  You can also experiment with loads of other designs too!

I’m so pleased that this kit is out in the world.  Although it was inspired by summer flowers, the heat in the studio was super intense!  I do not recommend quilling when it’s over 30c!  Sweaty hands and paper = mess!  It’s been a mega busy time over the summer and I’ve not been able to blog and chat to everyone as much as I’d like but I’m back on it now and ready for the next kit!

To make this kit extra special and keep the plastic in the supply chain down to an absolute minimum I’ve partnered with two other businesses who share my values.  Check out the guide for more information and links.  I’ve loved working with other crafters to make custom pieces for this set.  It’s totally worth it for the planet and I love the feel of wooden tools rather than plastic.

Jewellery making

I really love making jewellery.  There’s more to think about than if you’re just making some art for the wall.  It’s got to work as well as look good.  It’s been really fun working on the flower and teardrop design for this kit.  I’ve not seen anything else quite like it so they really stand out.  The techniques used aren’t to complicated either and are definitely suitable for beginners.  Towards the end of this make there’s a little bit of wire wrapping.  I really enjoy working the metal as you have to be gentle but firm to get the effect you want.  The flat coiled wire attachment came after about an hour of trying other designs that were either way too tricky or just didn’t work properly.  I’m really pleased with them. Let me know what you think!

Top tips for making paper quilled jewellery

  • Take your time and be methodical – there are a few stages to making this design.  Work methodically making all the individual pieces you need before you complete the final design.

  • Don’t use too much glue – quilling paper is really thin.  Using too much glue makes it all wet and ruins the neatness of the design.

  • Use the quilling template – particularly if you’re making flower designs it’s good to get everything to look uniform.

  • Embrace bright colours – I love all the colours in this kit.  It was hard to narrow them down.  These are bold statement pieces so go bright or go home!

Happy crafting!


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