Creativity ADAM ROE Creativity ADAM ROE

Why it's brilliant being a beginner!

5 reasons why it’s great being a beginner!

Beginners Mind

Why it’s brilliant being a beginner!

Craft Box Club is all about learning the first thing about a craft.  Living in the new!  Picking up something fresh!

Mastering something, yeah that's great, and if you really love a craft you've started, we're here to help you find the experts to make your enthusiasm into a lifelong passion.  

But for now, 5 reasons why it's BRILLIANT being a beginner...

1. You can't go wrong!

Things can only get better right?  You're starting from absolutely level zero.  Nothing.  You cannot fail!  Whatever you do, it's awesome, and it's way better than not having a go at all.  In maths it’s actually infinitely better.  And that’s a lot.  Make a mess, screw it up, chuck it in the bin and who cares.  You're doing great!

2.  Friends don't mind you showing off!

We all have those friends who are good at stuff right?  Really good?  So great they can't stop talking about it, posting stuff on social media, displaying their great achievements all over their house.  OMG what a bore!  Who can stand people who are good at stuff huh?  

"Hey, look at this fine oil painting/concept album/marathon/child/business/lifestyle I've just completed.  Isn’t it a great piece to add to the collection?"

"Shut up, stop banging on about it!"

"Yeah, we know you're a great ... already.  But what about Love Island!?  And isn’t it your round?"

But just think about it, if you pick up something you've never done before, brag away!  Broadcast your heroic status to all around you.  Become a sensation at every dinner party.  And people will love you!  Better still if it's something they've never even heard of.

"Check out my alcohol ink tile!"

"What are you talking about?  Wow that's amazing?  You are so cool.  I wish I was like you in every way!  Let me get you a drink!"

Umm right…

3. It's exciting!

You don't know what's going to happen!  This new thing, you might love it or hate it.  Will it be the thing you've always been searching for?  Will it complete you?  What will you learn?  It's fun to get stuck into something new.  It actually creates new connections in the brain and makes your brain work harder.  You can't fall back on your normal autopilots and you experience life all the more fully for it.

4.  No stress!

No worries!  You're learning something new.  Nobody, yourself included will expect anything from you.  If you can't do it or you hate it, it's not your fault, maybe it's just not for you.  So relax and feel safe in the loving embrace of low expectations!

5.  The power of the newbie

Every beginner has one incredible advantage over the guru, the master, the teacher, the talent, the experienced hand. You bring a new perspective. Savour this, for it's a gift you'll only have once. When you are laden with the curse of knowledge, you'll know how things are done properly. But for now, you can freely experiment and play without judgement. I see this all the time at Craft Box Club. People go off and totally ignore the instructions and make something totally original and unique to them. AWESOME! ⁠⁠

So you want to learn something new…?

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Creativity ADAM ROE Creativity ADAM ROE


Why trash makes the best toy!

Forky Toy Story 4


No way!

If you haven't seen Toy Story 4, you're going to think I've gone totally mad. But stay with me!⁠⁠

(As an aside, if you've not seen Toy Story 4 I kind of judge you a little bit for that. Maybe go away and watch it, then come back)⁠⁠

This is my Forkie. He is unique and special and definitely not TRASH!

⁠⁠In Toy Story 4, one of the film's stars, a little girl called Bonnie feels lost and alone on her first day of school. Toys aren't allowed so she crafts her own best friend and protector from stuff she finds in the trash. ⁠⁠FORKY IS BORN!

⁠⁠Forky quickly becomes her favourite toy. Why? Well, at first, because he can be there for her when no one else can. But over time he becomes her most special toy wherever she is. ⁠⁠I think the reason Forky is so special is that she made him. She took what she had in front of her and created something new. She changed the world around her to look like she wanted it to. So unlike her other toys, Forky was a part of her and a symbol of what she could achieve just with the power of her creativity.⁠⁠

Kids get the chance to do this all the time! As adults we don't get to take materials and shape them in our own unique way. Through Craft Box Club I want to give adults a space to create and play on your own terms and go away with something meaningful. Something your proud of. ⁠⁠So is Forky trash!? No way! He's people!

⁠⁠Start your creative journey! Go make a Forky, Spoony, Brushy, JamJary based on whatever you have around you. ⁠⁠Post below! I can't wait to see what you make!⁠⁠

P.S. apparently there is a Forky toy you can actually go and buy. Seriously?! I think someone missed the point!⁠⁠

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Creativity ADAM ROE Creativity ADAM ROE

Every human is an artist...

We all need to be creative!

Everyone is an artist quote

Every child is an artist…

The problem is staying an artist when you grow up

Who said it?  Was it Picasso?  Was it John Lennon?  Was it just me, just then?  Who knows?  Who cares maybe?  Plus, Picasso also said some pretty questionable stuff right?  Ya, totally, go ask Hannah Gadsby!

The point is, I feel so strongly about this that I set up Craft Box Club to solve this very problem!

The basic idea behind this quote is that all humans are driven by a need to be creative.  If you think about it, it feels right doesn’t it?  I mean, look at the world around us.  People moving huge stones, painting with mud in the dark finding ways to travel the world.  Humans have created so much!  Whether you like it or would call it art, or whether that matters is another thing, but we all have creativity in us by our very nature.

The problem is, human needs are complicated.  We have basic ones like food and shelter, then there are needs for friends, family and love.  In the UK at least, we tend to be pretty good at looking after these, but they do take most of our time.  I know that’s how I felt at the start of 2019.

But we also have needs such as purpose, understanding the world, and putting our own stamp it.  The stuff that gives us meaning.  This is where being creative has a lot to offer.

In short…

1.      “Hey, I need a sandwich!”

2.      “Hey, want to come with me for a sandwich?”

3.      “Hey!  How could I make a better sandwich?!”

The truth is, we spend a lot of time stuck on level 1 and 2.  That’s because, for all sorts of reasons it’s tough to get to 3.  That’s where we come in! 

Craft Box Club is here to make it EASY to be creative.  To fuel the fire within you.  To give you an outlet for self-expression.  To build your confidence that there is an artist inside you!

Although stages 1 and 2 are important, we should make sure we don’t neglect our higher needs.  Our less material needs.  We need to hit them all to live a true and fulfilled life.

So, go spend 5 minutes “making a better sandwich!”.  Please post your creations below!  Don’t know where to start or fancy getting creative in a totally new way?  Check out the link below…

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