What are the business benefits of workplace creativity?

Creativity in the workplace

Why we need creativity now!

More than ever we need creativity, innovation and problem solving just to keep pace with the ever changing world we live and work in. There are huge opportunities to take advantage of and new threats on the horizon. Businesses need to do more than ever to compete and gain an edge over the competition. The key to this is recruit and retain the best staff who are equipped and empowered to think outside the box, be flexible and act decisively.

The wellbeing and mental health of staff is gaining increasing awareness. Showing staff they are valued and supporting health and wellness in the workplace are key to maintaining a happy, productive and engaged workforce.

In my decade or so working in the City of London myself and those around me have experienced the highs, the lows, the excitement and the pressures of the modern working environment. I set up Craft Box Club to help by providing regular, accessible and fun craft sessions in the workplace to boost creativity and aid wellbeing.

Benefits of creativity in the workplace

There are many ways to be creative but we believe that getting your hands dirty and making something real has some incredible benefits for your employees and therefore, your business!

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and depression

    Mental ill-health is costing the UK more than £94bn every year, counting treatment, social support costs and the losses to the economy from people who cannot work, according to the OECD. Nearly half of this costs is due to people not being able to work or being less productive. Getting hands on with craft is a mindful activity. Mindfulness has been shown to have great benefits on wellbeing by bringing people into the present moment, calming the brain and body.

  • Spark eureka moments

    There is no doubt that people enjoy making. In our sessions people find it easy to focus and engage. Doing something completely different from day to day work builds new connections and stimulates the brain. Our brain does much of it’s thinking without our being conscious of it. Often when we stop actively working on a particular problem, more ideas just come to mind naturally. Crafting shifts our attention and gives our minds the focused break it needs for eureka moments to appear.

  • Staff retention

    Finding and hiring the right staff costs a lot! You really don’t want to lose your best assets. Show your staff they are valued with benefits that stand out! The best people have come to take the usual staff benefits for granted. Offer something a bit different that people will take notice of.

Team enjoying crafting
  • Bring people together

    One of the best ways to innovate is to collaborate! I know from experience that, all too often, different departments work in silos. Parties and after work drinks are great but they can often reinforce silos and cliques. Making something together really brings people together and creates connection like nothing else. As people play and discover together bonds are formed that stimulate a positive flow of ideas across the organisation.

  • Increase confidence

    Look out for the introverts, they are often the quiet but powerful source of innovation. A craft session will bring out hidden talents for creative thinking that you didn’t even know you had. Increasing people’s confidence in feeling that they might just be creative will carry into other aspects or their work.

  • Improve creative thinking and problem solving

    Successful innovation requires both divergent then convergent thinking. First we need to generate multiple potential solutions to a problem (divergent). Imagine a blue sky sessions with loads of post it notes all over the place. Then select the best idea and implement it (convergent). Crafting stimulates this kind of thinking naturally. Especially when you make something unique so you’re not only working out how to use the materials but using your imagination too.

If you’d like to find a simple way to boost creativity in your business please get in touch with me via adam@craftboxclub.co.uk.


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