Top 10 Super Simple Ideas to Live and Craft Greener

Easy eco swaps

Top 10 Super Simple Ideas to Live and Craft Greener

18th February 2021

Last year Craft Box Club went plastic free and this year we’re aiming to make a positive environmental impact by supporting the planting of urban trees, using carbon negative printing and cutting even more plastic from our supply chain!

I also wanted to make sure that I live the eco message at home, so I’m true to my vision and also because I run Craft Box Club from home, the business and my life are pretty much intertwined. I was really surprised how easy some of these eco swaps were, sometimes even getting better products whilst saving you money! I want to share these with you so we can all work together to make a greener planet!

Top 10 ideas for…

…a greener life

  1. Switch to a green energy tariff - I used Uswitch to find a green energy tariff and it was sooo easy! My energy now all comes from wind power. It’s pretty complicated how it actually all works but buying a green tariff is at the very least a positive vote for climate action.

  2. Eat less meat - As well as being planet positive, this is also a brilliant money saver and has really helped reduce my food waste. Save that extra cash or spend it on some better quality, more adventurous veg!

  3. Get your food plastic free - I switched to getting all of my veg from Riverford a couple of years ago and never looked back. It’s super low on packaging and amazing quality! This is just a top company and I just love their whole ethos!

  4. Plant more trees - Trees help prevent climate change and just make the world a better place to live. We’ve started supporting a local project to plant more urban trees this year. Find out more here. You can also use sites like to use tree planting to offset your own carbon emissions.

  5. Support green businesses - There a loads of other eco businesses out there right now. Look out for eco credentials when you make your next purchase. Think packaging, product and projects. Are you just paying for plastic? Will the product last and is it made from good stuff? Is your purchase supporting the kind of planet you want to see?

  6. Google green - Set as your default search engine. Every search plants a tree!

  7. Green your kitchen - I’ve used sponges in a couple of the past craft projects. I was amazed to discover that you can get sponges made from plant fibres. Super easy! You can also get material ones that you wash and reuse again and again. Check out for loads more eco swaps.

  8. Choose eco subscriptions - Subscriptions really show that you care and repeat business really helps to support the kinds of products that you want. My faves are and smol.

  9. Make your own stuff - OK yes you know we’re all about the making! If you’re new to making, start with small handmade cards or gifts. It feels amazing for someone you love to put even a small bit of effort into crafting something just for you. It doesn’t need to be a masterpiece, it just needs to be made by you!

  10. Look after your stuff - always buy reusable over single use and treasure your belongings. Even better, try to buy things that are specifically made to be repaired. If you have the money, brands like Dulait and Barbour design with easy repair in mind. Choose reusable bags and masks over their throwaway alternatives!


Top 10 ideas for…

…greener crafting

  1. Understand your materials - Some plastics are hidden! If you can, swap acrylic paint and yarn for non-toxic versions. I use powder paint and merino wool and have cut all acrylic from my boxes this year!

  2. Reduce waste - It’s so easy to get over excited and order loads of the wrong thing. Oh no the needle is too small, the yarn doesn’t fit the hook, this paint isn’t the colour I wanted! Get hands on with a craft at a workshop or with a kit before getting too far. Here at Craft Box Club I run 1 on 1 sessions with subscribers to help you when you’re starting out.

  3. Invest in good kit - Once you’ve worked out what you need, buy good stuff that will last. For me, I just love the feel of wooden tools over plastic. They also last longer and are easier to repair at home.

  4. Look after your kit - Keep a tidy craft space so you know where everything is. Treat things well and it will serve you well for many years to come!

  5. Choose whole crafts - Especially if you’re a crafting pro, buy materials you need in bulk to save you money and reduce pollution from packaging and transportation.

  6. Make crafting a way of life - Turn your hobby into a useful skill. Make things that you can use around the house. Turn your crafts into special gifts to bring joy, save money and reduce pre-packaged consumerism. Make or upcycle clothes or furniture and help extend the life of second hand stuff.

  7. Turn your waste into art - I once went to an exhibition of art made from tumble dryer fluff! That’s pretty extreme but projects like rag rugs or wreaths (see below) are brilliant for using up left over fabric! Old candles can be melted to make new. Wooden palettes make amazing garden furniture!

  8. Get inspired by nature - I’ve been taking early morning walks recently. The patterns made by the frost are just beautiful! Every seasons has something different to offer, take a camera, capture some of nature’s beautiful and connect with your environment.

  9. Craft with nature - While you’re out in nature, collect a few twigs, leaves, stones etc. and make something out of them. It doesn’t need to be anything incredible or even permanent but it gets your creative muscles flexing and strengthens your bond with nature and the changing of the seasons.

  10. Craft with us! - Craft Box Club is dedicated to eco friendly crafting. All kits are plastic free and full of great natural materials. You won’t have any waste apart from bits left over just in case and you’ll have the perfect kits suited to the project.

For more help developing more sustainable habit, visit the fantastic Ailuna!

Want to get crafting?

If you’d like to get creative now, join Craft Box Club today and we’ll get your first craft to you asap. Your purchase will also help to planet urban trees!


Talking craft subscriptions as a Rebel business!


New kit: Heart Felt Garland