The ultimate power of the scribble


Doodles, scribbles, mindfulness and creativity

Your first step to a happier, more creative life?

Picture the scene, your in a hot, bland meeting room. It’s Friday. It’s 5:03pm and Dave from accounts (poor Dave from accounts, he gets so much grief!) is on his hundredth grey, wordy slide and you’re still none the wiser. You’ve been stuck in the office all week with dreams of being more creative, maybe painting something, learning to draw, writing a book. You’re finally released and you get home. Now is your chance to be creative! But you need to get some food on, walk the dog, do the washing up and oh yeah, there’s more Stranger Things to watch! Plus, you realise you don’t have any paint or drawing paper and who knows what you need. Ugh, maybe tomorrow!

As well as everything that life puts in the way of us being more creative, there is always a mental block to doing something new. I can feel it in myself all the time. The “primitive” part of our brain just goes “NAAAAA why bother? Food, sleep, TV! Easy, comfortable, safe.” BUT, if you can get over that, it can be a game changer.

I’ve found that doodling, scribbling and sketching with minimal stuff is a great way to get started. We’ve all got a pencil or a Biro somewhere around the house and the back of an envelope to use as a canvas! Check out Tim Brown’s awesome TED talk on creativity! He’ll give you loads of ideas and inspiration to get going with your humble doodles!

Doodling and scribbling is great for your mental health. It reduces stress and keeps you in the moment where happiness can be found! There is even evidence that doodling at work can increase attentiveness and productivity!

If you’re going to make any sort of change then it helps to have a group of people around you with a similar goal. Make it social, fun and simple! That’s what Craft Box Club is here for. To help you squeeze more creativity into your life! All our craft club sessions provide a really great value way to be creative and keep up the habit. We’ve just added a new way to start off with Craft Box Club. That’s right, start with a scribble. A gateway drug to a craftier life! You can now book a Drink and Scribble ticket for just £5! Pop along to one of our monthly events and check us out. We hope you stick with it and come back for more!

P.S. here are a couple of doodles and scribbles I’ve made instead of and whilst watching Stranger Things! They’re not great but I’m strangely proud of them and they brought me joy. So if your efforts suck too. Who cares!? You’ve taken a step.

Drawing of trees

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