My story

Me with a craft box

My name is Adam and I started Craft Box Club to help you

craft with nature

Well that’s half the story.

I am not an artist

For the last decade I’ve been a catastrophe modeller for an insurance company in the city. It was actually pretty cool. Since I was 8 years old I’ve been kind of obsessed with the weather. So getting to learn about, study and analyse natural disasters was kind of a dream come true. It had been good, but I felt more and more that I needed to create and express myself.

I’ve always been a bit creative. I’ve dabbled with bands and the theatre. I play a few different instruments which I fiddle with in the evening whenever I get a chance. I was, and kind of still am, passionate about bringing data to life using colourful, engaging and err… pretty visuals. But I wanted more and was drawn to visual art and crafting as it’s so tangible. Once you’ve made something, it’s there for everyone to see, forever!

I tried

Youtube art tutorials. Most of them were garbage or aimed at people who were already experts. When I found ones that made sense to me then it was hard to get my hands on the kit and by the time I’d found what I needed, I ran out of time to make. I tried arts and craft classes, but most of them were so expensive I could only really afford to go a few times a year or they were during work hours or weekends when I was looking after my little one. I had a go at muddling through on my own but found a strange, but common, fear of being presented with a blank page. Where should I start? Should I draw or paint or…? What if it looks rubbish? Maybe I’m just not a creative person?!

I’m just not creative

Is something I have heard loads since starting Craft Box Club. In my heart I just don’t believe it. Humans are born and driven to create. It’s part of us! But more on that later.

I want to give people the awesome feeling of making, that is affordable enough to do regularly and where anyone could get a good result. So…

Craft Box Club

was born. Each month I go through the process of researching and learning the first thing about a new craft. Let’s be honest, learning the first thing about anything is the most fun right? I make a super clear and quick how to video to teach you everything you need to know. I source or make the right materials to get you crafting. All of this gets lovingly packaged, plastic free, into a craft box which gets delivered straight to your door.

On top of that I’ll be sharing some hints and tips for how to squeeze more creativity into your life. Sign up to the mailing list to hear all about it!

So now you know the whole story, Craft Box Club is for you, but it’s my journey too. I hope you can join me!



How to be more creative - Top Tips