Behind the scenes - our craft video guides

Craft video guides

Lights, Camera…Craft!?

28th April 2021

Oh the glitz and the glamour of movie making! The Oscars came and went this week with no sign of a nomination for Craft Box Club! But I don’t care, I’m not making craft movies for the Academy, I’m making them for my amazing, creative subscribers!

I love videos!

I’ve always been a visual learner, so I’m drawn to making videos. I don’t think anything beats a how to video if your learning a new skill. I’ve been making videos for about 2 years now. Mostly craft guides, of course, but I take the odd break to edit videos for a choir, a eco festival and, just once, for a hip hop craft battle!

Every one of our kits comes with a super detailed video guide. I take each step slowly so you can follow along. I try to cut away as little as possible so you can see exactly what I’m doing

Here’s one of our guides being edited. This can take up to a day per kit. I need to make sure everything flows really nicely and each stage is clear and easy to follow. I really enjoy the process of filming and editing and really get in the flow!


Although there are video guides for each of our craft kits, I have also started to include step by step, static images with written instructions so you can choose which you prefer. Right now, I don’t do any printed guides as I want to cut down on waste paper. You do, however, get a tip sheet in each kit. These are printed by a lovely local printer that uses a special technique so each sheet is produced carbon negative!

Tips for getting the most from our craft guides

  1. Relax and craft in your own time - I’ve had one or two crafters worried that they can’t keep up with the video. Don’t worry! The video is sped up 3-5 times compared to reality. You don’t need to craft along.

  2. Watch in stages - Start by watching the video in full, then rewind to the beginning and craft along in stages. Watch a bit, do a bit, repeat.

  3. Go slowmo! - Did you know you can slow the videos down in YouTube? Take a look at the button near the volume controls and you can slow anything down that you want to see in more detail.

  4. Easy pause - If you need to pause a lot, the easiest way is to watch on a computer (i.e. not your phone) and pause and play using the space bar.

  5. If you’re ever stuck - If you ever need to go over anything in more detail, head to the members hub for loads of ways to contact me. We’ll get you sorted!


WAnt to join the eco crafting club?

If you’d like to discover the joy of eco crafting, join us today and you’ll be making within a week!


New kit: Painted Pink Beach Houses


Our Plastic Free Journey - #5 Happy Earth Day 2021